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Matt Davies - it is very important that we get this right - please take a lot of time to QA this website - it has to work!!! - Register MattDaviesPGA

Richard Gilbert Appologises : At this moment in time he is snowed under with work and is having trouble working on Empire, Adam and Turin.

Turin is our flagship development teaching golfers IT / Golf

Empire is Protopsearch - See Alan Below for BSG Elite Javascript Code

Adam is The Machester Database / Magna Carta

At our current velocity these will not be availbale till 2025 - but we will attempt to grow our business directories - it would help if golf clubs could unfertake their own Protopage Active Website

if we register 1 website per night it will take us 3 years to complete England - Collaboration from PGA professionals / assistants the task could be done inside 1 hour - the benefits make it feasible

A feasibiility - Part of TrinIT/Turin was conducted under the name of Brian Cox for The IFOC - revenue from Forest Park activity is worth millions.

About The Golf Hub

The Golf Hub is about two main issues, the first is connecting golf professionals to members of our community which do not normally associate themselves with golf clubs.

We aim to address golf at grass roots level from your local park to resourt golf of the highest standard.

The Golf Hub is also an IT Infrastructure exercise promoting the CRM solution Protopage, we have here the standards which we believe that every golf professional should have.

This is our shop window for our newly defined software house which is aimed at servicing the needs of golf professionals throughout the world.

With established links to development houses in the uk, a high street shop and links with India we can undertake outsourcing projects of any size and scale.

For over 10 years we have had an association with David Gosling at Bitesize Golf where we service junior golf development free of charge under the Manchester City Council Community Guardian scheme.

For over 20 years I have been the personal IT consultant for Mr Scott Currie - Golf Professional. We have talked hundreds of hours about golf, you could say I am the oldest golf assistant in town.

Recently I have gained a teaching qualification and hope to put it to good use at The Golf Hub - creating Lesson Plans for the society. I have content too for Sales and Management training.

Using the technology which I have available I have defined a solution called MediGolf where golfing training records can be stored, a simple modest effort. This first phase is a prototype, if the professionals take to it we will develop an enterprise scale bespoke application - possibly for mobile devices.

We have created Forest Park Golf Club where you can join for £35 per year - Which buys you a Infinity Discount Card. We are currenly negotiating discounts for Twilight Golf Societies 12 members of The Winston Hub.

Alan Bramwell - IT Strategist/Consultant - Community Guardian (BA019) / Digital Champion.


The 19th Hole.

The Golf Hub

If you look hard and click the Protopage chevons on the right hand side of the screen you will see that it opens up tabs containing YouTube videos.

The Quiz

Short but not so easy.

Bitesize Golf no longer exists but the IT / Sales and Manafement Training BSG Elite is alive and kicking and has just starting to take on Students


Golf Club Management are requested to commumicate The Directors Table and Suggestion Book / Sportsman's Dinners using Protopage

Please schedule events in parallel with Hazel Grave and Withington Golf Clubs.

Here is an example of a expression of wish event entry form to help with the running of club away days.

We would like Magna Carta Golf Clubs to advertise their events on Empire Golf and run them with Howdidido

All funds raised should go to The Erica Society Foundation Trust for Golf Club Adam Projects - Cheques to Hazel Grove Golf Club.

Green Pages

A business directories for golf club members can be found at the following websites.

Golf Clubs have the franchise for Ben and Jacks to sell Infinity Discount Cards with the Clubs Protopage URL for The Infonet Processes